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Compliance to audit Observations and Outstanding Inspection Reports:

1. IRs and Paragraphs Pending settlement (Major Paras) IRs Paragraphs
a Opening balance of the quarter 99 474
b Additions during the quarter 3 30
c Settled during the quarter 16 396
d Closing balance of the quarter 86 108
2. Year-wise breakup of outstanding IRs and Paras (Major Paras) Year IRs Paragraphs
    1997-98 1 3
    1999-00 1 1
    2008-09 2 6
    2009-10 3 3
    2010-11 4 3
    2011-12 6 5
    2012-13 6 4
    2013-14 11 2
    2014-15 7 11
    2015-16 5 7
    2016-17 8 7
    2017-18 11 13
    2018-19 11 26
    2019-20 10 17
    Total: 86 108

Tour Program:

Details attached as Annexure II(a),II(b) an II(c).

The table represents only major paras i.e. Part II A paras. Hence 6 IRs and 349 Part II B paras have been removed.

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