
The Office of the Accountant General (Audit)-I, Maharashtra, Mumbai, came into existence on 01.03.1984, consequent to the restructuring of the cadres and the organizational set up of the Indian Audit and Accounts Department. The office was upgraded to that of the Principal Accountant General (Audit)-I, Maharashtra, Mumbai with effect from 05.02.1990.

The main office is situated in the Old Central Government Offices Building at Marine Lines. The Branch Offices viz. Resident Audit Office, Maharashtra Housing and Area Development Authority (MHADA), Resident Audit Office, Civil Supplies Audit (CSA)  function at the accommodation provided by the offices concerned of the State Government in their premises at Parel (CSA) and Bandra (MHADA). The Pune Zonal Office is housed in the Central Building of the State Government at Pune.

What we do

The Principal Accountant General (Audit) I, Maharashtra, Mumbai is entrusted with the following audit functions:

Expenditure Audit

Expenditure audit of 38 departments of the Government of Maharashtra is entrusted to this office. 

Certification Audit

The following Certification audits are conducted  by this office

  • World Bank/Externally Aided Projects/Centrally Sponsored Schemes.
  • Audit of 20 Autonomous Bodies/Authorities/Corporations
  • Audit of 44 Public Sector Undertakings (PSUs)

Performance Audit

Information Technology audit

Audit of Land Revenue

This office is entrusted with the Revenue Audit of 1026 Units under Land Revenue.

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