The list of various State Government Department / Public Sector Undertakings whose units are audited by AMG-III group are given below:-


  • Primary Education
  • Higher Eucation(Collegiate)
  • Seconndary Education(PU)
  • Technical Education
  • DSERT(Teacher Education)
  • Bhasa&Pustakalay(Library)
  • Translation
  • Youth Empowerment & Sports
  • Labour
  • Employee sSate Insurance(ESI)
  • ITI(Employment&Trg)
  • Public Service Commission(KPSC)
  • Finance
  • Directorate of Small Savings, Pension and Asset-Liability Monitoring  (formerly Directorate of Lotteries)
  • Treasuris & Accounts(State accounts)
  • Pension(CPPC)
  • Fiscal Policy
  • Economical&Statistics Planning
  • Local Audit Department(State Accounts)
  • Revenue(state Excise)
  • GST
  • Stamp Duty & Registration Fees


Public Sector Undertakings & Autonomous Bodies

Sl.No. Department Name of the Autonomous Body Name of the PSU
1 Secondary Education(PU) Karnataka State Text Book Society  
2 Labour Karnataka Building and Other Construction Workers Welfare Board Karnataka Vocational Training and Skill Development Corporation
3 Finance Karnataka State Financial Corporation and KGID  
4 Economics & Statistics Autonomous bodies audited under section 14 - No financial audit.  1.  Hyderabad Karnataka Region Development Board 2.  Bayaluseeme Board 3.  Malnad Area Development Board 4  Evaluation Authority of Karnataka  
5 State Excise   Karnataka State Beverages Corporation Limited
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