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Section Nature of work
HQ I Preparation and execution of Annual Audit Plans, submitting MIS to Coordination section, Preparation of technical circulars, feedback on  exposure drafts and other material received from HQrs, management of AMG-I group and its field audit parties ,maintaining tour diaries of field party members, submission of periodical returns to various sections/Government Departments, arranging periodical in house training programmes for the Group, etc.
HQ II Work related with processing of IRs in respect of SGST Department
HQ III Work related with processing of IRs in respect of AIT, State Excise and Lottery departments.
HQ IV Work related with the processing of Inspection Reports of  Finance Department and Planning and Economic Affairs Department. Processing of Inspection Reports of Autonomous Bodies and PSUs under the above departments. Certification works of the accounts of the PSU’s under the above departments were also entrusted with this section.
HQ V Work related with processing of IRs in respect of Stamps and Registration Department.
Revenue Sector Report The functions of the Report (RS) includes processing and finalisation of cases fit for inclusion in the Audit Report (Revenue Sector) from the cases of irregularities reported to the Section and the compilation of the Report of the Comptroller and Auditor General of India on revenue receipts of the Government of Kerala and all other work connected therewith including arrangements for its printing,  distribution and its follow-up in PAC.
State Finance Report State Finance Audit Report is being brought out every year to assess objectively the financial performance of the state during the financial year and to provides State Government and State Legislature with timely inputs based on audit analysis of financial data. The Report is based on
The audit of Finance Accounts and makes an assessment of Kerala Government’s fiscal position as at the end of the financial year. 
The audit of the Appropriation Accounts gives a grant-by-grant description of appropriations and the manner in which allocated resources were managed by service delivery departments.
The report is an inventory of State Government’s compliance with various reporting requirements and financial rules.
Financial Audit Wing (FAW) Financial Attest Audit Team (FINAT) Financial Attest Audit (FAA) is carried out on the basis of the Financial Attest Auditing Guidelines for audit of State Government Accounts issued by CAG of India.   The FAA of the Finance Accounts and Appropriation Accounts, Monthly Civil Accounts and Report on Monthly Expenditure (Monthly Appropriation Accounts) are the responsibilities of FINAT. Financial Audit Units (FAUs) & Financial Audit Parties (FAPs) The Central Audit wing deals with audit of vouchers on establishment and non – establishment received from treasury offices under the major heads dealt with in DAE sections
audit of grants-in-aid, audit against propriety, audit of sanction of medical claims in relaxation of rules, delegation of financial powers. ex-gratia payments, cases of losses, fraud embezzlements and write off, audit of loan vouchers
examination of rules and regulations issued by Govt.
audit certificate for non-plan schemes partially aided by GOI
audit of vouchers on adjustments received from book II Section of AG AE
audit of AC DC bills, audit of miscellaneous matters like Nil Payment vouchers, Interest Payment vouchers and annual audit of Director of audit (P&T).
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