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The branch office of Principal Accountant General (Economic & Revenue Sector Audit) is stationed in Puri at Shree Vihar Marg, Penthakata, Puri- 752003. In this Building, OE, Record, FINAT & FAA, DP, EDP, DA CELL and Vetting sections are functioning. The Branch Office is headed by the Deputy Accountant General (AMG-II) and is assisted by 16 Senior Audit Officers and around 65 other officials. 
 This office is entrusted with the audit of four Departments (as given in Introduction). The Central Audit Parties conduct the audit of monthly accounts of the Public Works Divisions and Forest Department including Rural Development Department, Public Health Department & Rural Water Supply & Sanitation  Divisions at Headquarters. The irregularities noticed during the Central Audit are forwarded to the Divisions for compliance and the potential materials are developed into Draft Paras. In addition, Audit Certificate is issued for externally aided projects and CSS projects of these Departments



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