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This section is involved with preparation of Annual Audit Plan, Strategic/Rolling Plan, Tour Programme of field parties, processing of TA Bills, maintenance of tour diaries, conducting In-House Trainings as well as nomination of personnel for RTI trainings, Conducting Group Meetings, Coordinating with other sections in sending various weekly/monthly/quarterly, half-yearly and annual returns. This section also prepares compliance to Headquarters’ correspondences/orders/circulars and calculates the amount of audit fee payable by different auditee units as per rates prescribed by Headquarters’ office.

The Vetting-I Section deals with the vetting work of all the seven Departments including PSUs and ABs. All the DNs are being processed and issued by Vetting Sections upon approval of Senior DAG. In addition to vetting of IRs, the Section is also involved in review and settlement of outstanding IRs/Paras on the basis of compliance received from these departments/companies.  The important points are also gathered from vetting of Board Proceedings received from PSUs from time to time and kept recorded in the appropriate registers to be handed over to the concerned audit team for reference. Further, the Section prepares Weekly returns. Monthly Progress Report, Quarterly returns, MIS report maintenance of Sectional registers & compliance to various circular and orders of Headquarters are being performed on day to day basis.

Report deals with Preparation of Audit Report on Public Sector Undertakings. This Section receives Draft Notes (DN) from ES-I Vetting section for processing to Draft Paras (DPs). After vetting of the DNs, DPs are issued to Administrative Departments concerned on being approved by PAG. The approved DPs are sent to Headquarters office in batches for incorporation in the Audit Report on Public Sector Undertakings, under Compliance Audit Observations. Besides, Draft Performance Audit (PA)/Detailed Compliance Audit (DCA) reports submitted by the field parties are vetted by Report Section and on approval of Principal Accountant General are sent to headquarters and the Administrative Departments concerned. After which it is incorporated in the final Report. Further, the Section prepares Weekly returns. Monthly Progress Report, Quarterly returns, MIS report, maintenance of Sectional registers & compliance to various circulars and orders of Headquarters are being performed on day to day basis. 

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