

Welfare Officer:  Shri Biswajit Pandit (w.e.f 30.08.2022)


Main Activities of Welfare Section:

  • Organising Weekly Medical Check-up for Officers/Staff by the Office Physician.
  • Providing immediate medical assistance to all officers/staff, in case of any emergency/accident/mishap.
  • Providing first aid to the staff in case of minor injury, illness, pain etc. and distribution of common medicines to them.
  • Facilitating participation of sports recruited staff (45 numbers presently) in tournaments of state, national and international importance including IA&AD tournaments.
  • Organising Meditation Session/Self Defence Training periodically for welfare of the staff.
  • Organising Annual Sports/Cultural Programme in collaboration with the sister offices.
  • Organising Annual Health Check-up/Eye Check-up/Blood Donation Camp etc. in joint collaboration with sister offices.
  • Maintaining close co-ordination with Central Government Welfare Co-ordination Committee for finalisation of Holiday list annually.
  • Providing immediate help to family of deceased Government Servants/facilitating Compassionate Appointment of wards.
  • Supervising cleanliness and hygiene in the office premises including toilets/washrooms.

Duties and responsibilities of Welfare Officer and staff working in Welfare Section:

  • Giving personal hearing to individual staff member on their difficulties and grievances and taking steps for redressal of the same.
  • Providing medical assistance to staff suddenly fell ill or those chronically ill and helping in securing admissions in hospitals.
  • Looking after the Recreational, Cultural, Sports and Community activities of the Staff members.
  • Assistance to families of Government Servants, who die in harness and helping the bereaved family in getting dues paid quickly and facilitating appointment on compassionate appointment of their wards.
  • Arrangement for providing dress allowances to all categories of MTS and Staff Car Driver and regular inspection of dress code.
  • Supervision on maintenance of neatness and cleanliness in office premises and bathrooms.
  • Close co-ordination with various offices, Recreational Clubs, Co-operative Societies and Welfare Co-ordination Committee for promotion of Recreational, Cultural, Sports and Community Activities of the staff members.
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