

Shri. Arun Kumar V M

 Director (Reports)

Sri Arun Kumar V M belongs to 2014 batch of Indian Audit and Accounts Service. He is currently holding the post of Deputy Director (Reports) in the office of the Principal Director of Commercial Audit and ex-officio Member, Audit Board, Bengaluru. Previously he has worked as Deputy Accountant General in the Office of Principal Accountant General (G&SSA), Rajasthan.



Shri. J.N. Perumal

  Deputy Director (Admin)

Promoted to the Cadre of Indian Audit and Accounts Service (IA&AS) in 2017, he is currently holding the post of Deputy Director (Admin) in the office of the Principal Director of Commercial Audit and ex-officio Member, Audit Board, Bengaluru. Mr. J. N. Perumal previously worked at Office of the Principal Accountant General (Audit-I) , Madhya Pradesh, Gwalior as Deputy Accountant General (AMG-II) . He joined this Department in 1987 as Section Officer (Commercial) and served as Assistant Audit Officer, Audit Officer and Senior Audit Officer in Commercial Audit Wing before promotion to IA&AS.

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