Faculty Member Details

  • Dr. S.K. Singh
    डॉ. एस.के. सिंह
    Professor & Head
    022-42372415 | 91-(0) 22-25563257

    Additional Information

  • Statistical Modeling of HIV Epidemic in Developing Countries at East-West Center, Honolulu, Hawaii, 2002.
  • Ph.D. (Statistics/Demography), Banaras Hindu University, 1990. (On Some Migration Models and their Applications).
  • M.A. (Statistics with Demography), Banaras Hindu University, 1986.
  • B.A. (Statistics Hons.), Banaras Hindu University, 1984
  • Modelling of rural-urban Migration Process, Mix method approach in studying Reproductive and Sexual Health with focus at various dimensions of HIV/AIDS epidemic, Mapping and Size Estimation of MARPs and Evaluation of HIV/AIDS Intervention programmes
  • International Union for the Scientific Study of Population
  • Population Association of America
  • Indian Association for the Study of Population
  • Indian Society for Probability and Statistics
  • Received fellowships and awards from a number of International organisations to present research findings and/or share major findings of collaborative research projects
  • Working as a member of MERG IWG constituted by UNAIDS, Geneva for the last three years and contributing in finalization of indicators to assess the progress in global response to HIV/AIDS and participated in various meetings of MERG at Geneva organized during May 27-29, 2013, May 21-22, 2014 and May 27-28, 2015.
  • Worked as Consultant for UNAIDS, Bangladesh for Mapping and Size Estimation of MARPs in the country during Dec.2013 to March, 2014.
  • Invited by WHO and UNAIDS to work as a Temporary Adviser in the Technical consultation on Size estimation in Asian Countries at Hong-Kong during Sept. 23-25
  • Invited by Joint UN Agencies in Asia and Pacific region to work as a resource person in a workshop on Size estimation of YKAP, organized at Bangkok during Sept. 4-6, 2012.
  • Worked as Consultant for UNDP, Bangkok for Mapping and Size Estimation of MARPs in Bhutan during July 2012 to March 2013.
  • Worked as MTR Consultant to review a regional project on Cross Border Migration and HIV vulnerabilities in South Asian countries during May to Oct. 2012.
  • Invited by UNAIDS Asia and Pacific region to work as a resource person in a workshop on Size estimation of MARPs for the South East Asian countries, organized at Colombo during April 3-5, 2012.
  • Worked as Consultant for BDS & UNAIDS, Nepal for assessing HIV/AIDS vulnerability among Transgender in Nepal during May to September 2011.
  • Worked as Consultant for UNAIDS, Nepal for Mapping and Size Estimation of MARPs in different regions of Nepal during April-May, 2010.
  • Experience of completing six research projects with International Collaborations like CDC, WHO, UNAIDS, UNDP, Macro International, University of Connecticut, ICR, Hartford, etc
  • Organized the First International Conference on Alcohol & HIV in India during August 1-4, 2009 at Hotel Taj President, Mumbai, jointly with ICR & NIAAA, U.S.A.
  • Working as a reviewer for a number of Internationally Reputed Journals like AIDS & Behavior, AIDS, JBM, Sexuality and Culture etc., focusing on different dimensions of HIV/AIDS.

Research Publications

  • A. Research Monographs..... 32
  • B. Published Research Papers..... 91
  • C. Papers Communicated for Publication...... 15
  • Guiding Students for Ph. D./M. Phil.
  • A. Ph. D. Completed..... 15
  • B. Currently enrolled for Ph.D...... 08
  • C. M.Phil completed..... 17
  • D. Guided M.P.S/M.A./M.Sc. Term Paper.... 44
  • Current Research Assignments
  • National Family Health Survey-4, integrating community level HIV testing, sponsored by MOHFW, Government of India, USAID and other development partners
  • Major Research Assignments Completed in the last five years
  • Role of Supportive Supervision in improving RI in UP, sponsored by UNICEF India
  • Health of Urban Poor in three cities of India, sponsored by USAID India & PFI, New Delhi
  • Training of Mid-level Health Programme Managers on relevance of evidence base in planning & monitoring of health programmes with focus at HMIS, sponsored by UNFPA
  • A Global Adult Tobacco Survey, India, sponsored by CDC, Atlanta and WHO, SEARO .
  • Revalidation of HRG mapping and size estimation used for tracking of HIV epidemic in India, sponsored by NACO, MoHFW, Government of India
  • Alcohol, Sexual Health Risk and AIDS prevention (ASHRA) in Mumbai, India sponsored by NIAAA, USA
  • Reducing Women’s Vulnerability to STI/HIV in India: Insights from CHARCA Intervention on sponsored by joint UN Agencies in India.
  • National Family Health Survey 3 sponsored by MoHFW, USAID and other development partners in India.
  • District Level Household and Facility Survey-4, integrating Hb and Blood Glucose estimation , sponsored by MOHFW, Government of India
  • U.S.A., U.K. France, Australia, Singapore, Malaysia, Srilanka & Bangladesh.

Position Held

Country Visited

  • U.S.A., U.K. France, Australia, Singapore, Malaysia, Srilanka & Bangladesh.

Professional Membership

  • International Union for the Scientific Study of Population
  • Population Association of America
  • Indian Association for the Study of Population
  • Indian Society for Probability and Statistics


Other Info

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