International Centre for Environment Audit and Sustainable Development (iCED)

Welcome to iCED Alumni Directory

A network that comprises of more than 3,500 audit professionals from around 136 countries. Bond with your course-mates and stay connected with them.

ITP. No. Theme Duration Countries participated Number of participants
153 153 ITP Audit of e-Governance 9th Jan, 2023 to 3rd Feb, 2023 28 36
152 152nd ITP on Performance Audit 14th Nov, 2022 to 9th Dec, 2022 24 36
150th ITP on Audit of e-Governance 6th Jan, 2020 to 31st Jan, 2020 30 40
151st ITP on Receipt and Compliance Audit 10th Feb, 2020 to 6th Mar, 2020 25 32
147th ITP on Auditing in IT Environment 9th Sep, 2019 to 4th Oct, 2019 26 35
148th ITP on Audit of State Owned Enterprises 14th Oct, 2019 to 8th Nov, 2019 25 37
149th ITP on Performance Audit 18th Nov, 2019 to 13th Dec, 2019 25 38
140th ITP on Audit of e-Governance 8th Jan, 2018 to 2nd Feb, 2018 31 38
141th ITP on Environment Audit 12th Feb, 2018 to 9th Mar, 2018 29 37
IT AUDIT (For Officers of ICDDR Bangladesh) 24th Sep, 2018 to 29th Sep, 2018 1 4
UN Audit (for Officers of SAI Chile) 2nd Apr, 2018 to 7th Apr, 2018 1 11
136th ITP on Audit of Government Receipts 7th Aug, 2017 to 1st Sep, 2017 33 39
137th ITP on Auditing in IT Environment 11th Sep, 2017 to 6th Oct, 2017 28 32
138th ITP on Audit of State Owned Enterprises 23rd Oct, 2017 to 17th Nov, 2017 26 33
134th ITP on Audit of e-Governance 9th Jan, 2017 to 3rd Feb, 2017 35 36
139th ITP on Performance Audit 27th Nov, 2017 to 22nd Dec, 2017 36 37
135th ITP on Environment Audit 13th Feb, 2017 to 10th Mar, 2017 28 38
129A Bilateral Training programm on Revenue Audit 16th May, 2016 to 3rd Jun, 2016 1 20
130th ITP on Audit of Government Receipts 8th Aug, 2016 to 2nd Sep, 2016 31 40
129B Bilateral Training programme on IT Audit 16th Jun, 2016 to 29th Jun, 2016 1 20
ITP. No. Year Countries participated Number of participants
153 2023 28 36
152 2022 24 36
2020 30 40
2020 25 32
2019 26 35
2019 25 37
2019 25 38
2018 31 38
2018 29 37
2018 1 4
2018 1 11
2017 33 39
2017 28 32
2017 26 33
2017 35 36
2017 36 37
2017 28 38
2016 1 20
2016 31 40
2016 1 20