Rules and Regulations


Sr. No. Detail Subject
  • The Rules and regulations be called the Rules of National Rural Roads Development Agency.
  • These Rules shall come into force from the date on which the Agency, namely the National Rural Roads Development Agency, is registered under the Societies Registration Act, 1860.
Short title and commencement
  • ‘Agency’ means the National Rural Roads Development Agency
  • ‘General Body’ means the General Body of the National Rural Roads Development Agency.
  • ‘President’ means the President of the General Body of the National Rural Roads Development Agency.
  • ‘Vice President’ means the Vice President of the National Rural Roads Development Agency.
  • ‘Director-General’ means the Director General of the National Rural Roads Development Agency.
  • ‘Year’ means, unless the context otherwise requires, the financial year of the Government of India.
3. The registered office of the National Rural Roads Development Agency shall be situated at 552-A, Krishi Bhavan, New Delhi-110001. Headquarters of the Agency
4. The number of Members of the Agency shall not exceed 21. The Members of the Agency shall be nominated by the Members of President. The membership of the Agency will be from the following:-
  • Representatives of Central, State Governments or any other Government authority as Ex-officio Members.
  • Registered bodies, Institutions engaged in any activity connected with Rural Roads or any of the objectives of the National Rural Roads Development Agency.
  • Persons possessing special expertise, ability or experience relevant to the furtherance of the objectives of the Agency. The representation may be by name or designation, as may be deemed appropriate.
Members of the Agency
5. Where a person becomes a Member of the Agency by virtue of the office or appointment which he/she holds, his/her Membership of the Agency shall stand terminated when he/she ceases to hold that office or appointment. Termination of ex-officio membership
6. Membership of Members, other than ex-officio Members, Membership of Members, other than ex-officio Members, following events:-
  • on the expiry of the period of Membership for which nominated;
  • death, resignation, insolvency, lunacy or conviction for a criminal offence involving moral turpitude;
  • when a Member does not attend three-consecutive meetings of the General Body without proper leave of absence.
Termination of membership of others
  • Subject to the other provisions, a Member of the Agency, other than ex-officio Members, shall hold office for a period of two years from the date of his nomination and shall be eligible for re-nomination by the President.
  • If a casual vacancy exists during the two year period, such vacancy shall be filled in like manner as the original vacancy and the admitted Member shall hold office for the unexpired portion of the term.
Terms of Membership
8. When a Member desires to resign his/her membership of the Agency, he/she shall forward his/her letter of resignation to the President. Resignation
9. The Agency shall function notwithstanding any vacancy in any of its bodies and no act, direction or proceeding of the Agency shall be invalid merely by reason of such vacancy or any defect in the appointment of any of its Members. Validation of Acts
II - Authorities of the Agency
10. The following shall be the authorities of the Agency:-
  • General Body
  • President
  • Vice-President
  • Executive Committee
  • Director General
  • Such other officers of the Agency as the General Body may from time to time appoint.
III - General Body
11. There shall be a General Body of the Agency and it shall be composed of all the Members of the Agency. Members
12. The General Body shall meet normally once in 6 months but at least once every year, on such date, time and place as may be determined by the President. It shall also be open to the President to call for an Extraordinary Meeting. Meetings of General Body
  • All Meetings of the General Body shall be called by Notice in writing by and under the hand of the Director General.
  • Every Notice calling a Meeting of the General Body shall state the date, time and place of the Meeting and shall be delivered or sent by post to every Member of the Agency normally 15 clear days before the day appointed for the Meeting.
  • Any inadvertent omission to give notice to or the non-receipt or late receipt of notice by any Members shall not invalidate the proceedings of the Meetings and proof that the envelope containing such notices was properly addressed and duly posted will be sufficient proof of such notice.
14. The General Body shall have following powers and functions, namely to:
  • give over- all Policy Guidelines and directions for efficient functioning of the Agency
  • approve the Annual Plan of Action including the Annual Budget for functioning of the Agency
  • consider the Balance Sheet and Audited Accounts for the previous financial year
  • add and amend the Rules of the Agency
  • frame, bye-laws not inconsistent with these Rules, for the regulation of the business of the Agency
  • monitor the functioning of the Agency
  • approve of the Annual Report of the Agency
  • determine the staff strength and the terms and conditions of service of personnel to be appointed by the Agency
  • appoint the Principal Technical Agencies and determine the tasks to be performed by them
  • delegate such of its powers to other authorities of the Agency as it may consider necessary and proper.
Functions and Powers
IV - President
  • The Union Minister incharge of the Ministry / Department dealing with the Agency shall be the ex-officio President of the Agency.
  • In case the votes for and against a particular issue are equal the President shall exercise his casting vote.
  • The President shall be entitled to invite any other person to attend the Meetings of the Agency but such person(s) shall have no power of voting.
Powers and Functions of the President
  • The President shall preside over the Meetings of the General Body. In his absence the Vice President shall preside over the Meetings.
  • The President shall nominate Members to the General Body.
  • The President shall exercise the powers of the General Body of the Agency in the interregnum between two Meetings of the General Body. All decisions taken by the President, acting in such capacity, shall be placed in the next Meeting of the General Body for ratification.
  • The President may, in writing, delegate such of the powers, as he may consider necessary, to the Vice-President or the Director-General.
V - Vice-President
  • The Secretary incharge of the Ministry / Department dealing with the Agency shall be the ex-officio Vice-President of the Agency.
  • In the absence of the President, the Vice-President shall preside over the Meetings of the General Body.
  • The Vice President shall exercise such powers and perform such duties as President may delegate him.
Powers and Functions of the Vice-President
VI - Executive Committee
18. There shall be an Executive Committee of the Agency and shall comprise of the following Members:
  • Director-General - Ex-officio Chairman.
  • Five Members to be appointed by the President, of which one shall be Finance Member and the remaining four shall be from among the Principal Technical Agencies,
  • Such officials of the Agency, not exceeding two, to be nominated by the President.
19. The Executive Committee shall meet as often as is necessary but at least once in two months. Meetings of the Executive Committee
  • All meetings of the Executive Committee shall be called by notice in writing by and under the hand of the Director General.
  • Every notice calling a meeting of the Executive Committee shall state the date, time and place of the meeting of the Executive Committee normally seven clear days before the day appointing for Meeting.
  • The Chairman may, in special circumstances, call a Meeting at a notice shorter than seven days.
  • Any inadvertent omission to give notice of the nonreceipt or late receipt of notice by any member shall not invalidate the proceedings of the meeting.
Notice for Meetings
21. The powers and functions of the Executive Committee shall be as follows:
  • Subject to the general control and supervision of the General Body, the Executive Committee shall generally pursue and carry out objectives of the Agency as set forth in the Memorandum of Association.
  • The Executive Committee shall exercise all executive and financial powers of the Agency, subject to such directions as may be issued by the Government of India and General Body from time to time.
  • In particular and without prejudice to the generality of the foregoing provisions, the Executive Committee shall have the power to
    • Prepare and execute detailed plans and programmes for the furtherance of the objectives of the Agency.
    • To consider the annual and supplementary budgets placed before it and pass them with such modifications as may be deemed necessary, for submission to the general body.
    • Prepare annual report and accounts of the society for the consideration of the General Body.
    • Appoint staff as per strength sanctioned by the General Body.
    • Appoint the State Technical Agencies and determine the tasks to be performed by them.
    • To Monitor the progress of road works and expenditure incurred by the States/ Union Territories under Pradhan Mantri Gram Sadak Yojana.
    • To appoint Independent Monitors to inspect and report on the Quality of road-works.
    • To take up research activities relating to Rural Roads, including execution of pilot projects by appropriate Technical Institutions.
    • To engage the services of Technical Experts as and when necessary.
    • To arrange suitable Training Programmes for officers of the Ministry as well as the State Governments and Union Territories concerned with the implementation of the Rural Roads Programme in reputed institutions.
    • Receive and to have custody of the funds of the Society and manage the property of the Society.
    • Incur expenditure, subject to the provisions of the approved budget.
    • Enter for, and on behalf of the Agency, into Agreements.
    • Lay down terms and conditions governing scholarships, deputations, consultancy, grantsin- aid, research schemes and projects.
    • 14 Enter into arrangements with the Government of India and, through the Government with foreign and international agencies and organisations, the State Government and other Public or Private bodies, or organisations or individuals, provided that nothing shall be inconsistent with the objectives of the Society or the policy of the Government of India.
    • Appoint sub-committees, and panels consisting of persons who may or may not be the Members or employees of the Agency to deal with any matter and make recommendations thereon.
    • '
    • Impose and recover fee and charges for the services rendered by the Agency.
    • Make deposits in Scheduled Commercial Banks.
    • Consider any other matter deemed fit by the General Body/ President.
  • The EC may delegate any of its powers to the Director General or any officer of the Agency.
Powers and Functions of the Executive Committee
VII Director-General
  • The Joint Secretary in Government of India dealing with Rural Connectivity and the Agency shall, exofficio be the Director General of the National Rural Roads Development Agency.
  • He shall Chair all the Meetings of the Executive Committee.
Director General
  • The Director General shall see that affairs of the Agency are run efficiently and in accordance with the provisions of the Memorandum of Association, Rules and Regulations and by-laws of the Agency.
  • The Director General shall preside over the Meetings of the Executive Committee.
  • The Director General may call a meeting of the Executive Committee at any time.
  • The Director General shall exercise such financial powers as are delegated by the Executive Committee.
  • The Director General shall be the Appointing Authority for all the posts sanctioned by the General Body, on deputation, contract or part-time basis to the Agency.
  • The Director General shall be entitled to invite any other persons to attend the Meeting of the Executive Committee.
  • The Director General shall exercise the powers of the Executive Committee of the Agency in the interregnum between two Meetings of the Executive Committee. All decisions taken by the Chairman, acting in such capacity shall be placed in the next Meeting of the Executive Committee for ratification.
  • The Director General may, in writing, delegate such of the powers, as he may consider necessary, to any officer of the Agency.
Powers and Functions of the Director General
VIII - Funds of the Agency
24. The funds of the Agency shall consist of the following:
  • Grants made by the Ministry of Rural Development, Government of India;
  • Fees and charges imposed by the Agency for services rendered by it;
  • Income from Deposits;
  • Income and receipts from other sources; and
  • Such other funds as may be received by the Agency.
Funds of the Agency
25. The bankers of the Agency shall be any Scheduled Commercial Bank. Bankers
IX - Audit of Accounts
  • The Agency shall cause regular accounts to be kept of its money. The Accounts shall be maintained in such form as may be applicable to Central Government Accounts.
  • The Accounts of the Agency shall be audited annually by a Chartered Accountant and the Officers of the Comptroller & Auditor General of India.
  • The Chartered Accountant or the Auditor shall have the right to demand the production of books, accounts, connected vouchers and other necessary documents and papers.
  • The results of Audit shall be communicated by the Auditor to the General Body of the Agency, who shall submit a copy of the Audit Report along with its observations to the Ministry/Department of the Government of India, dealing with the Agency. The Auditor shall also forward a copy of the report direct to the Ministry/Department of the Government of India dealing with the Agency.
X - Annual Report
27. The Annual Report of the working of the Agency and all work undertaken during the year, together with Balance Sheet and Audited Accounts, shall be prepared by the Executive Committee for information of the General Body and the Ministry of Rural Development. A draft of the Annual Report along with the Audited Accounts of the Agency, and the Auditor’s Report thereon, shall be placed before the General Body in its Annual Meeting. Procedure
XI - Amendments
28. With prior approval of the Ministry of Rural Development, Government of India, the Agency may alter, extend or abridge the purpose for which it is established, or to amalgamate the Agency either wholly or partly with any other Agency in accordance with the provisions of the Societies Registration Act, 1860, as applicable to Delhi. Alteration or Extension of the Purpose
29. The Rules of the Agency may at any time be altered by a Resolution passed by a majority of the Members of the General Body, present and voting, at a Meeting of the General Body convened for the purpose. Alteration or amendment of Rules
30. The Agency may with prior approval of the Ministry of Rural Development, Government of India, change its name by a resolution passed by majority of the members of the General Body, present and voting, at a Meeting of the General Body convened for the purpose. Change of name of the Agency
31. As and when there is any change in the nomenclature of the Ministry/Ministries, Department(s), Institution(s) and designation(s) mentioned in the Rules, such change(s) shall automatically stand incorporated in these Rules and it shall not be treated as an amendment of the Rules under Rule 26 above. Change in nomenclature of Ministries etc.
32. If, on the winding up or dissolution of the Agency, there shall remain, after the satisfaction of all its debts and liabilities, any property whatsoever, the same shall not be paid to, or distributed among, the Members of the Agency or any of them, but shall accrue to the Government of India by escheat. Winding up or Dissolution of the Agency
XII - Miscellaneous
33. Every officer of the Agency shall be indemnified out of the funds of the Agency against all losses and expenses incurred in the discharge of his duties except such as shall happen through his/her own neglect, willful act or default and such one shall be answerable only for his/her own acts, neglect or defaults and not for those of any other person. Indemnity
34. Once in every year a list of Members of the General Body shall be filed with the Registrar of Societies required under Section 4 of the Societies Registration Act, 1860. Submission of Annual List of Members to Registrar
35. The Agency may sue or be sued in the name of the Administrative Officer, NRRDA as per provisions laid down under Section 6 of the Societies Registration Act, 1860. Legal Proceedings
36. All the provisions of the Societies Registration Act, 1860 (Punjab Amendment Act, 1957) as extended to the Union Territory of Delhi will apply to this Agency. Applicability of Societies Registration Act, 1860
37. In case, if necessary, the Agency can be dissolved as per the provisions laid down under Section 13 and 14 of the Societies Registration Act, 1860. Certified that this is the correct copy of the Rules and Regulations of the Society. Dissolution
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