Audit Reports


Report No. 31 of 2014 - Performance Audit on Management of Goods Trains Union Government,Railways

Date on which Report Tabled:
Fri 19 Dec, 2014
Date of sending the report to Government
Government Type
Union Department
Sector Transport & Infrastructure


Freight is a profit making business segment of Indian Railways and is the backbone of railway revenues. Over the years the market share of Indian Railways has been consistently shrinking and railways was losing out to road sector. Achievement of projected freight targets largely depended on the manner in which the Indian Railways reshaped its policies and strategies not only to regain the lost share in freight traffic but also to provide value for money to customers in terms of better facilities and improved services.

IR carries more than 35 per cent of the total freight traffic (tonnes /kilometers) of the country and about two third of its revenue comes from transportation of goods traffic. Despite encouraging growth of freight, the market share of IR in freight sector has declined substantially from 53 to about 35 per cent during the last two decades.

Efficient management of goods train operations depend on the following factors and Railway Administration's inclination and ability to regulate these issues efficiently without compromising the quality of materials and service.

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