Recent Publications

Do dietary patterns and morbidities have a relationshipwith primary infertility among women? A study fromNFHS-4 2015-16 India

Apr 2021

Impact of COVID-19 infection on life expectancy premature mortality and DALY in Maharashtra India

Apr 2021

Increasing Trends of Caesarean Deliveries in India: Does the Private Sector Contribute to it?

Apr 2021

Trends in missing females at birth in India from 1981 to 2016: analyses of 2.1 million birth histories in nationally representative surveys

Apr 2021

Economic Distress of Breast Cancer Patients Seeking Treatment at a Tertiary Cancer Center in Mumbai during COVID-19 Pandemic: A Cohort Study

Apr 2021

Spatial heterogeneity in the coverage of full immunization among children in India: Exploring the contribution of immunization card

Mar 2021

Progress of Inequality in Age at Death in India: Role of Adult Mortality

Feb 2021

Addressing data and methodological limitations in estimating catastrophic health spending and impoverishment in India 2004 to 18

Feb 2021

Maternal exposure to cooking smoke and risk of low birth weight in India

Feb 2021


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