Completed Projects

Sr. No. Year of Completion Title Coordinators Funding Agency View Download
1 2020-21 Causes and Consequences of Out-Migration from Middle Ganga Plain. Archana K. Roy, R.B.Bhagat, K.C.Das, Sunil Sarode, R.S. Reshmi. Internal Funding View PDF icon Project_Report_MGP.pdf
1 2020-21 Trends in Out-of Pocket Expenditure and Catastrophic health spending in India S.K. Mohanty Internal Funding View PDF icon Project_Report_MGP.pdf
1 2020-21 Comprehensive National Nutrition Survey Knowledge Network S Unisa, H Sahoo and P Dhillon Internal Funding View PDF icon Project_Report_MGP.pdf
1 2020-21 Multidimensional Poverty in Urban Maharashtra Sanjay K. Mohanty Internal Funding View PDF icon Project_Report_MGP.pdf
1 2020-21 Daughter Only Families in India: Levels, Trends and Differentials Harihar Sahoo and R. Nagarajan. Internal Funding View PDF icon Project_Report_MGP.pdf
1 2020-21 Child Marriage in Maharashtra: Pattern, Trend and Consequences K.C. Das Internal Funding View PDF icon Project_Report_MGP.pdf
1 2020-21 Counting Womens Work L. Ladusingh Internal Funding View PDF icon Project_Report_MGP.pdf
1 2020-21 National Family Health Survey-4 F. Ram, B. Paswan, S. K. Singh, H. Lhungdim, Chander Shekhar, Abhishek Singh, Manoj Alagarajan, Dhananjay Bansod, L. K. Dwivedi, Manas Pradhan and Sarang Pedgaonkar Internal Funding View PDF icon Project_Report_MGP.pdf
1 2020-21 Process Evaluation and Concurrent Monitoring of Pradhan Mantri Matru Vandana Yojana (PMMVY) T. V. Sekher and Manoj Alagarajan Internal Funding View PDF icon Project_Report_MGP.pdf
1 2020-21 Changes in the Household Amenities and Assets in India: A Census Based Study R.B. Bhagat, Sunil Sarode and Laxmi Kant Dwivedi Internal Funding View PDF icon Project_Report_MGP.pdf


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